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Mile End Rd in Pictures: Climate Change Protesters

Mile End Rd Climate Change march

Our first contribution from a local photographer shows hundreds of angry protesters bringing Mile End Rd to a standstill. Photography by Helen Copeland.

Last week as part of a worldwide day of climate protests, young and old marched through Mile End and Stepney Green – blocking traffic for almost an hour.

Queues stretched back half-a-mile in both directions.

Speakers used megaphones and called on shopkeepers and office workers to join them in the protest against global warming. Protesters were heard chanting “let us breath, let us breath”.

The campaigners were mainly students and pupils on strike from colleges and schools across the East End. The students included undergraduates from Queen Mary University and the Royal London Medical School.

The action is supported by trade unions including Unison, Unite and teacher organisations UCU and NEU.

Photography by Helen Copeland. To see more of Helen’s photography go to: https://www.flickr.com/photos/h_copeland2011/albums

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