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Mile End Community Project

Mile End Community Project

The Mile End Community Project (MCP) was founded in 1995 to ensure that young people in the area were engaged in activities that encouraged positive outlooks. MCP have worked to inspire young people and communities to express themselves through creative mediums, including the creation of award winning films.

“At MCP we deliver a range of projects, working mainly with young people. We have a great record of collaborating with a range of orgnisations, institutes, artists, creatives and authorities. Our mission is: To nurture young people and unleash their potential to better their own lives and the world around them. We have a number of examples of our young people going on to do well in their careers which demonstrates our mission. We have found ourselves in a unique position where we have the opportunity to tell the stories of local people through a number of creative mediums such as photography, audio, portraits and film and creative events. We also work closely with Queen Mary University of London; by delivering lectures, delivering sessions to students and have been involved in award winning research projects and contributing to important research around local topics and issues.”

London, United Kingdom – March 2015, LBTH – Cutting East Film Festival at Genesis Cinema.

“We’ve had a lot of success with our films, winning a number of awards such as Film of the Night at Film Festival to being selected to screen our films at the Tate both locally and internationally. One of our most memorable moments has to be when a young person recognises their potential through our workshops. A great example of this would be the moment when I recognised the skill that one of our members had in art. He sketched a drawing on a serviette that he got with his chicken meal and it ended up receiving an award at the Adobe Youth Voices programme at the British Film Institute. It was a huge success as not only did it inspire him but allowed all the other young people that worked on the project to see that they too can achieve a lot with their skills.”

“It would be great if we could receive more support to put us in a position where we are able to produce more of these projects without worrying about funding. We want to equip our young people to start their own businesses and flourish in society.” Nurull Islam, Co Founder.

For more information on what MCP do, go to:


(Photography: Rehan Jamil)

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